The end of spearguns in Biscayne National Park?
No more "triggered" spearfishing in Biscayne National Park??? Here is a recent article published in Florida Sportsman online. It was just sent to me so I wanted to post it ASAP, but I plan to do a little digging to see what this means. I would actually be very excited to see some changes like this happen to the fishing regulations in South Florida. Some slightly larger size limits and equipment restrictions could be just the thing we need.
If we increase the size limits of certain fish now, we might be able to avoid a complete closure in the future. And lets face it, a 12" hogfish is TINY!! The limit should be 16". It might take a year or two, but at some point there will be a bunch of barely legal 16" hogs swimming around instead of barely legal 12" hogfish. The same goes for mutton snapper.
I know I am a very prejudiced individual when it comes to triggerless spearfishing, so many of you might not share my views, but I do feel that eliminating spearguns in certain areas would be a good thing. It would not only give the fish more of a chance but require that spearfishermen would have to improve their skill levels to successfully harvest fish. And you CAN harvest fish without a speargun, believe me!!
So take a look at their article and see what you think. What would you like to see happen?
Palapas Ventana Trip to Panama-2014
For those of you that don't know about Palapas Ventana, it is a spearfishing resort in the town of La Ventana, Mexico. Less than an hour south of La Paz in Baja. Anyway, I have been lucky enough to visit Palapas Ventana several times. I have competed in the Bluewater World Cup there. I have participated in a Riffe Team trip there. And last October I taught the Bluewater University there. The Owner, Tim, runs a great operation. He recently sent me an email regarding a trip he is putting together to Panama this year. It looks like fun so I thought I would repost it here in case any Headhunter customers might be interested. Here is what he sent me:
XPanama is an incredible spot to visit. And there are some great fish opportunities there. Check out some video of panama or a blog post we did about the area. If you would like to know more details, check out Tim's trip webpage or contact Tim directly."Hi guys - I went to Panama the last two years and had a great time spearing yellowfin tuna - everyone on the trips was successful and landed fish over 80 lbs - and as big as 130 but much bigger fish were seen - and I'm going back!!!
I have organized a trip at the killer lodge that I was at last year with ac rooms, no bugs, a pool, great food and insane boats - they don't usually do divers (high end rod and reel folks are their norm) but are testing the waters on a few trips a year - the dates are solid and fishy - price includes all meals and boats and transfer from David, tips, booze and your flight to panama city and panama city to David are not includedI have very limited space 5 - 10 total on this trip so if you want to join me - email me asap to grab a spot - lets go whack some tuna!!"