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Another 60 lb Wahoo on Polespear

Just days before the world went on lockdown for Covid-19, Brad Thornbrough and Luke Maillis took one more stab at landing a big wahoo on pole spear. This video documents the one day mission to Diana Bank and the mayhem that ensues.

EPIC Dogtooth Tuna Spearfishing: Mission Africa

Over the past few weeks we've been working hard on throwing together a video of an epic trip to Africa a few years back with Cameron Kirkconnell, Brian Head, Craig Clasen, Eric Allard and Brad Thornbrough. We ended up with tons of great memories, 2 dogtooth tuna over 240lbs, and plenty of giant fish stories. We were able to put some Headhunter gear to the test, including one of the original Predator Polespears and somehow we managed to capture it all on video. Also features interviews with Cameron Kirkconnell Mark Healey and Brad Thornbrough.