Palapas Ventana Trip to Panama-2014
For those of you that don't know about Palapas Ventana, it is a spearfishing resort in the town of La Ventana, Mexico. Less than an hour south of La Paz in Baja. Anyway, I have been lucky enough to visit Palapas Ventana several times. I have competed in the Bluewater World Cup there. I have participated in a Riffe Team trip there. And last October I taught the Bluewater University there. The Owner, Tim, runs a great operation. He recently sent me an email regarding a trip he is putting together to Panama this year. It looks like fun so I thought I would repost it here in case any Headhunter customers might be interested. Here is what he sent me:
XPanama is an incredible spot to visit. And there are some great fish opportunities there. Check out some video of panama or a blog post we did about the area. If you would like to know more details, check out Tim's trip webpage or contact Tim directly."Hi guys - I went to Panama the last two years and had a great time spearing yellowfin tuna - everyone on the trips was successful and landed fish over 80 lbs - and as big as 130 but much bigger fish were seen - and I'm going back!!!
I have organized a trip at the killer lodge that I was at last year with ac rooms, no bugs, a pool, great food and insane boats - they don't usually do divers (high end rod and reel folks are their norm) but are testing the waters on a few trips a year - the dates are solid and fishy - price includes all meals and boats and transfer from David, tips, booze and your flight to panama city and panama city to David are not includedI have very limited space 5 - 10 total on this trip so if you want to join me - email me asap to grab a spot - lets go whack some tuna!!"