Killer Spearfishing Video from Underwater Ally Productions!

In 2007 I took a few months off from my job as crew on a sportfishing boat to go on another spearfishing pilgrimage. I started with a few weeks in Baja with GR Tarr, Brian Head, Craig Clasen and friends shooting wahoo and other pelagics. Then I hopped to the middle of the Pacific to meet up with long time friend Cam Kirkconnell for a 2 week stay in Tavarua, Fiji. From there I flew to Sydney and hung out with Ian Puckridge, then to Brisbane to spend some time with the Adreno crew. And finally I went on a 2 week liveaboard to the Coral Sea. That is where I met a badass spearfisherman named Michael Takach.
Michael is one of the pioneers of POV video shooting for spearfishing. Back then we didn't have GoPros, so Michael would hold a sony point & shoot camera in one hand and his gun in the other, diving to depths of 100 feet to shoot jobfish, dogtooth tuna, and other difficult species. His video clips were first of a kind.
Over the years I have met up with Michael Takach and his partner in crime Jessie Cripps for some epic trips. We have camped in the jungles on Panama, Chased wahoos in Mexico, swamped pangas in the surf, played with crocodiles, chased Whalesharks, shot giant tunas, and much much more.
(Kelsea Albert, Julie Riffe, Brandon Wahlers, Jessie Cripps, Michael Takach, and myself in Panama)
Michael and Jessie have just released there newest video(for their sponsor, Riffe) and I was lucky enough to be there for some of the adventures they have caught on film. I wish I could have been there for all of them! I hope you all get as big a kick out of this video as I did. I am pumped to get in the water again soon!!