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Spearing Magazine Article and Cover Shot 2017

Spearing Magazine Cover 2017

The view out of the car’s window was an ominous one. Houses were already boarded up, boats hauled out, and a sense of frantic preparation was in the air. Super Storm Irma was just 4 days away and currently it was pointed right at the southern Bahamas. After more than three months that covered 1600 nautical miles of diving, it was time to go home.

As a native Floridian it is easy to take for granted how close we are to some of the world’s most epic waters. Over the years I have taken boats from Florida to fishing grounds like Bermuda, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, and throughout the Caribbean. And as fun as the marina life can be when you’re working on a sport boat and fishing tournaments, I have always preferred the solitude of anchoring out in the middle of nowhere. Just good friends, empty coastlines, and wide open oceans. We are lucky enough to have some very remote areas right in our backyard. Our neighbors to the east, the Bahamas.

For our summer 2017 trips we decided to change it up a little. In past years our charter service, Bahamas Spearfishing Expeditions, had set up some epic trips with big groups of up to 11 people and large liveaboard BAHAMAS 2017 1 vessels. We had comfortable accommodations, great food, multiple dive boats, and plenty of hot showers and cold drinks. But as many of you know, diving with a large group of spearfishermen can be a challenge. As an organizer and spearfishing guide it can be a logistical nightmare.

So for 2017 my wife Allison(Ali) and I decided to change it up a little. We wanted to plan the various legs of our guided trip around using our 26 foot center console and setting up smaller sized groups in some more remote locations than we would normally go in our own boat. We would then utilize other vessels, rental houses and even tents to set up different basecamps as we travelled to the various islands we intended to visit.

The rest of the article is available can be viewed at 

Bahamas in negotiations with Chinese for fishing rights

Bahamian citizens and residents have been up in arms lately about a proposed venture between the Chinese and the Bahamian government. Many of you have probably heard about this, but for those of you that have not, here is a brief summary of what we have been able to find out.

A recent article in the Palm Beach Post reported this:

The Nassau Guardian newspaper has reported that the government of the Bahamas has given the green light to its embassy in Beijing to pursue agricultural and fishing partnerships with China. The proposal reportedly could bring $2.1 billion in cash, along with agricultural and farming equipment, into the Bahamian economy, over 10 years.

The proposal by the Bahamian government, according to the Guardian, states: “While realization of a reasonable return on an investment in agriculture is a relatively slow process, requiring substantial capitalization over many years, participating companies in the initiative will within months of commencement of operations realize positive cash flow from the sale of seafood.”

Under the reported terms of the deal, the government would lease to 100 companies — each jointly owned by Chinese and Bahamians shareholders — 10,000 acres in Andros Island, along with fishing licenses.

“It is anticipated that the agricultural products and the seafood will be used either for local consumption or will be exported to China or the U.S.A. for sale,” the proposal says. “The management of participating companies will resolve to do what is in their best interest.”

Commercial fishing for conch, lobster, snapper and grouper are mainstays of the Andros Island’s economy. However, the indication is that the Chinese firms want to target dolphin, kingfish, marlin, tuna and wahoo.

Furthermore, Florida State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Executive Director Nick Wiley said the potential deal, as reported, could impact Florida’s commercial and sport-fishing industries.

“China, their interests in this, would get exclusive access to fisheries in Bahamian waters,” Wiley said. “A lot of people may not realize this, but the boundary between the United States waters and Bahamian waters is still in dispute. It’s still not been clarified, so that further makes this an issue.”

The TRIBUNE 242 has just reported this:


Tribune Chief Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie emphatically stated yesterday that the proposed $2.1bn agri-fisheries venture with Chinese investors at the centre of widespread public controversy would never have been approved by his government.

Mr Christie spoke directly to the infamous proposal as he pushed back against claims from the Official Opposition that the government’s bid to establish a select committee to investigate the sale of BTC was a diversion tactic.

“The government of the Bahamas did not agree to any such proposition,” he told the House of Assembly yesterday, “did not consider any such proposition, it did not come before the government as a proposal, and it would not have reached the government because it would have been rejected outright.

“We do not do that in the Bahamas, and I keep on saying you cannot have a debate where you miss the fact that it did not happen. Therefore, you are attributing to the government in debate what could have happened if the government had agreed, and you’re planting in people’s mind and this is more than disingenuous, it is a commitment they have made to trying to exploit an issue that is a non-issue.”

The proposal reportedly projects a $2.1bn injection into the local economy over ten years through an equal partnership between Bahamians and the People’s Republic of China. The proposal also reportedly included the option to lease 10,000 acres of Crown land in Andros.

Agriculture and Fisheries Minister V Alfred Gray has admitted that he gave Bahamas Ambassador to China Paul “Andy” Gomez the go-ahead to have discussions on the proposal, but has stressed that the matter is not before the government for consideration.

Mr Gray has said the ideas put forth in the proposal, which was leaked to the media, came from Mr Gomez and not Chinese investors.

The proposal has been condemned by various local and international environmental lobby groups, who raised concerns over sustainability, and sovereignty in light of China’s grisly environmental record.

Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn yesterday questioned why Mr Gray would encourage further discussion of the proposal if there was no intention to agree to its terms.

“Why would the member for MICAL waste the time and effort of the government and government officials to negotiate with a government when you’re going to say there was no intention whatsoever to give them fishing rights?” Mr Lightbourn asked.

“Well then why are you negotiating it? Why are you even discussing it? If that is the case it look like the member for MICAL went out on a limb, carried out his own agenda, I would have thought in those circumstances if he had no permission from the government to even discuss this, he should be dismissed.”

Defending his administration over the controversy, Mr Christie said: “It has become a matter of urgent and extreme importance that the other side is using to exploit emotions in this country. The government of the Bahamas has fastidiously committed itself to protecting the waters of the Bahamas for Bahamian fisherman, full stop, no further.”

Mr Christie explained that every minister - within his portfolio - had the right to explore opportunities to advance the country. He noted that some government MPs were philosophically and fundamentally opposed to foreign involvement in both farming and fishing.

“We are not going to compromise and no discussion will lead to a conclusion that this government would have contemplated or agreed for that to happen,” Mr Christie said.

“A minister in association with anyone could explore opportunities for the Bahamas but he has to bring that as a proposal to his colleagues, who will make a determination as to whether they would agree,” the Prime Minister added. “That’s my side, that’s their side (Opposition), that’s how constitutional government works and my government would not have agreed to that in any event.”

Last week, Lisa Benjamin and Dr Adelle Thomas, assistant professors and co-founders of the Climate Change Initiative at the University of the Bahamas, said that significant gaps existed in the Bahamas’ commercial legislative policies. The lecturers posited that gaps were so great that it was hard to imagine that the “scale of commercial fishing and processing enterprises anticipated by the proposal would abide by the limits currently set out in legislation”.

The professors said without regulations on matters such as catch or vessel sizes, or the capacity to enforce any of those restrictions, the Bahamas could join the “long list of failed fisheries sectors” in the Caribbean “well within a ten-year period”.

This deal could not only drastically affect our friends in the Bahamas but has the potential to have huge impacts on Florida fisheries as well. Some friends of ours have passed along a link to a petition to help stop this deal. Please take some time out of your day to take a look at the petition and to forward to anyone who might be affected. 

Thank you all very much for reading this and for your support.

Bradley Thornbrough & The Headhunter Crew

New Slip Tip Shaft for Hawaiian Slings

We are just finishing our limited run of sling shafts with an integrated slip-tip. Perfect for soft fish and/or long shots. These are 9/32" heat treated 17-4ph shafts with our normal slide ring setup on the back-end and our deadly Showstopper slip tip on the business end. The tip is rigged with 1000 lb. spectra and is hollow spliced with a double brummel. The shafts come with the rigged tip, slide ring, and end cap. Ready to use out of the box. Because we only have a small quantity of these we are offering them for sale on our website only starting on November 25, 2016 and will ship approximately December 1, 2016.  

Here is a video of Headhunter team diver Joe Cooper landing a yellowfin tuna on this new shaft!