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Wahoo and Groupers on polespear!

Cameron Kirkconnell and I (Brad Thornbrough) filmed this video back in January of 2010 during the delivery of a 34 foot Yellowfin to Chub Cay. Its funny to look back and see all our random pole spear prototypes. Less than a year after this The Headhunter Predator polespear and the Cameron Kirkconnell pole spear were in full production. Its also crazy to look back and see the fish we had shot with modified sea stinger tips....if only we had had Showstopper slip tips back then! 
Here we are four years later and polespear have become very popular. Not just in Florida and countries that require them, but all over the world. The IUSA is now recognizing polespears and sling as a separate spearfishing world record category!
We are also putting together a few incredible trips to the Bahamas this spring and summer. If anyone has an interest in learning more about these trips, check out the webpage here

Great Harbour, Bahamas with the Guerrilla Sling

Just came across this footage so I thought I would throw it up on youtube. It is from a trip I took to Great Harbour, Bahamas a few months ago with Mike Portuando, Louis Zaydon, and Chris Groves. The footage got shelved because most of the good stuff was on a gopro and that memory card went bad, so we lost everything. But after some urging from Mike, I went ahead and made a quick edit anyway. 

The Slings you see are some older protoypes of our Guerrilla Sling. The slings kicked ass on this trip, landing a bunch of great fish, including an Amberjack that was accepted as an IUSA world Record! Can't wait for the final production Guerrilla Sling to be ready. 


Filmed by: Brad Thornbrough

Equipment: Panasonic GH2 with Nauticam Housing, GoPro 3

Dubrising & Syjon Fam-Rise Up (feat. Foona)
Risin Productions

Trailer for Bahamian Commercial Lobster Fleet TV Show

 Check this show concept out! It is incredible how many lobster these guys get. and if you watch carefully, you will see one of the tricks of the trade for a lobster diver. These put their old and bent sling shafts in a vice and turn them into miniature gaffs to snag the lobster with. 
