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May 2021 Bahamas Lockdown Updates

May 2021 Bahamas Lockdown Updates

Just as things were looking good and it seemed that The Bahamas had Covid 19 under control the Prime minister has announced lockdowns in two parts of the Bahamas last week. First, on May 22 a two-week lockdown in Great Harbour went into effect. Everything is shut down and

“There will be no in-person activities permitted,” the Prime Minister's Statement announced. Only essential services such as medical treatment and groceries will be open. Then yesterday they announced a similar lockdown for Cat Island and North and Central Andros. 

The big fear, say officials, is a severe outbreak in the family islands. These islands have minimal medical services due to the small populations and the physical remoteness of these locations. 

So, for now, tourism is shut down at these locations. For more information you can read about the individual lockdowns at these links: